IRC Silver Spring Stable Homes Fund
Donate To This CampaignSupport the IRC in Silver Spring's Stable Homes Fund!
Over the past few years, we have witnessed crisis after crisis around the world, leading more people than ever to flee their homes in search of safety and security. Families often make the courageous decision to leave in an instant, confident that an uncertain future is safer than the risk of staying put.
For the families that arrive in our community, the IRC in Silver Spring is one of many who provide support as they rebuild their lives and reimagine their futures. The affordable housing crisis is the single biggest barrier for refugees and other newcomers in this region. The IRC in Silver Spring’s Stable Homes Fund is helping our newest neighbors with temporary emergency housing and rental support so families facing extreme hardship can remain in stable housing and build towards their future.
Stable households make for stronger communities. With your help, we can continue to strengthen our communities and help our newest members thrive. This holiday season, please consider making a financial gift to the IRC in Silver Spring to help our new neighbors rebuild their homes and strengthen our communities.
Thank you for your compassionate generosity!
Contact Us
IRC in Silver Spring
8737 Colesville Road
Suite 1200
Silver Spring, MD 20910